Healing the Wounds of Attachment Trauma

An In-Depth Guide

Healing from attachment trauma can be a daunting task, and for therapists, devising personalized treatment strategies comes fraught with its own set of challenges.

It can be inherently pervasive, weaving into every facet of an individual's life, influencing their self-perception, interpersonal relationships, sense of trust, and reactions to everyday situations.

Without proper treatment, it can shape behaviors, decisions, and emotions for decades.

So how can we effectively treat this deeply complex and subtle trauma?

To get into these issues, this toolkit has brought together strategies from the top minds in the field of treating trauma – including Bessel van der Kolk, MD; Pat Ogden, PhD; Allan Schore, PhD; and many more.

Featuring detailed interviews, practical client handouts, and straightforward infographics – this toolkit will take you through the step-by-step approaches to understanding and healing attachment trauma.

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Treating Attachment Trauma Toolkit

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The Neuroscience of Attachment Trauma

  • The Neural Foundations of Trauma and Attachment
  • Exploring The 6 Phases of Attachment
  • Unpacking the Events that Contribute to Trauma: Abuse, Neglect, Loss, and Inconsistent Care
  • How Trauma Influences Early Brain Development
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Root Causes of Attachment Trauma

  • The Role of Attachment Trauma in Shaping Implicit Memories
  • Unpacking the Events that Contribute to Trauma: Abuse, Neglect, Loss, and Inconsistent Care
  • The Cycle of Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment Trauma
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Understanding the Four Attachment Styles

  • The Elements of Secure Attachment and How to Facilitate It
  • Roots of Insecure Attachments and Their Impact on Future Behaviors
  • Attachment Style Responses to Stress and Anxiety, and Effective Management Techniques
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Assessing for Attachment Trauma

  • How to Identify the Presence of Attachment Trauma in a Client
  • 10 Subtle Signs of Unprocessed Attachment Trauma
  • 10 Questions That Can Help Assess a Client’s Attachment History
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Navigating Attachment Trauma and Relationships

  • Using the Therapeutic Connection to Establish Secure Attachment
  • Guiding Clients with Insecure Attachment Patterns in Adult Relationships
  • Navigating the Complexity of Attachment Trauma and Shame
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Therapeutic Modalities to Treating Attachment Trauma

  • In-Depth Breakdowns of CBT, EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Attachment-Based Family Therapy
  • How to Adapt Different Therapeutic Techniques Specifically for Attachment Trauma
  • Valuable Case Studies: Treatment Blueprints and Insightful Examples



This toolkit is 50% off for a very limited time. You’ll get the full toolkit, infographics, learning tools, worksheets, case studies, and interviews to help you more effectively work with a client’s attachment trauma.

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Your Treating Attachment Toolkit Includes:

285 pages: Packed with easy-to-understand concepts, strategies, practical tools, and interviews with experts.

20+ Infographics: Designed to help you and your clients better visualize therapeutic concepts and strategies for trauma treatment.

10+ Ready-to-Use Handouts & Worksheets: Enhance your therapy sessions, providing clients with tangible tools to support their healing journey.

5+ Detailed Case Study Examples: Go beyond the theory with in-depth examples of treating attachment trauma across varied therapeutic modalities.

Exclusive Bonus: An insightful interview with renowned trauma expert, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.


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With this resource, therapists can navigate the complexities of attachment trauma more effectively, offering clients a clearer path to recovery and holistic well-being.

Get Practical Handouts and Infographics to Help You and Your Clients Easily Grasp Concepts and Strategies for Healing

Discover Proven Strategies and Insights Gathered from the Leading Minds in the Field

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Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Leading expert on trauma; Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University Medical School; Founder and Medical Director of the Trauma Center; Author of "The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma."

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Pat Ogden, PhD

Esteemed expert in trauma-focused psychotherapy; Founder of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI); Noted for her integrative approach to body-mind healing; Contributor to the development of somatic therapies worldwide.

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Allan Schore, PhD

Renowned clinical psychologist and researcher in the field of neuropsychology; Professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Noted for his extensive work on attachment theory, affect regulation, and interpersonal neurobiology.

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Dan Siegel, MD

Prominent psychiatrist and educator; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine; Founder of the Mindsight Institute; Author of numerous books, including "Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation."

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Diane Poole Heller, PhD

Specialist in adult attachment theory and models; Founder of the Dynamic Attachment Re-Patterning Experience (DARe) therapeutic approach; Recognized speaker and educator on trauma resolution and secure attachment.

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Gordon Neufeld, PhD

Developmental psychologist with a focus on child development and attachment theory; Founder of the Neufeld Institute, which offers programs and courses on developmental science; Co-author of "Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers."

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Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT

Clinical psychologist and developer of the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT); Known for integrating neuroscience and attachment theory into relationship therapy; Educator and author of several titles, including "Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner's Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship."

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Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP

Renowned therapist, trauma specialist, and healer; Developer of the Cultural Somatics Training & Consulting approach; Recognized for his work on racialized trauma and the effects of racism on the body; Author of "My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies."

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John Bowlby, CBE, FBA, FRCP, FRCPsych

Founding father of attachment theory; British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst whose work laid the foundation for understanding the significance of early emotional bonds between children and their caregivers. His trilogy "Attachment and Loss" is a seminal work in the field.

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John Briere, PhD

Clinical psychologist known for his expertise in trauma, child abuse, and self-injury; Associate Professor of Psychiatry & the Behavioral Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California; Author of several influential texts and treatment manuals on trauma and its effects.



This toolkit is 50% off for a very limited time. You’ll get the full toolkit, infographics, learning tools, worksheets, case studies, and interviews to help you more effectively work with a client’s attachment trauma.

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Just Stop for a Second and Ask Yourself:

If this toolkit offered just one breakthrough strategy, one invaluable idea from a leading expert, or one transformative tool that could foster understanding and healing, wouldn’t it be worth it?

Mental Health Professionals: Every day, you interact with clients who are struggling with their own histories, traumas, and emotional burdens. If even one piece of advice or strategy from this guide enables you to make a profound difference in just ONE client's life, to offer them that beacon of hope or a moment of clarity, how invaluable would that be? Not only for the client but for your own professional growth and fulfillment?

Those on a Personal Healing Journey: If you've ever felt lost, overwhelmed, or alone in your trauma journey, know this - healing often begins with a single step. What if this guide could be that stepping stone? If even one insight from this guide can help you view your trauma from a different perspective, start a new healing practice, or simply offer you a moment of peace, isn’t that step forward priceless?

Investing in this guide isn't just about the number of pages or the quantity of content. It's about the potential for life-changing moments, the kind that can set someone on a path to deeper understanding, healing, and overall well-being. If you can make a difference for one person or take one significant step in your healing journey, then this guide is not just worth the price; it’s invaluable.

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Mental health professionals stand on the front lines of some of the most challenging and profound emotional battles. Their work, often done behind closed doors, is of immeasurable importance, touching not only the lives of those directly in front of them but echoing through families, communities, and entire generations.

However, the journey to provide effective healing and support isn’t always easy. It demands continuous learning, reflection, and access to the latest insights and tools. This guide was crafted as an homage to the invaluable work these professionals do and as a robust, practical tool in their arsenal. It's our way of saying, "We see you, we value you, and we want to support you."

But this mission isn’t limited to the professionals alone. Every individual who embarks on the journey of self-healing, understanding, and growth contributes to a larger transformation. When a person heals from trauma, they aren't just reclaiming their own life. They're building bridges of understanding, forming deeper and healthier connections, and bringing about positive change that radiates outwards.

Think of it as the butterfly effect in the realm of emotional health. A single act of healing can:

  • Allow a parent to form deeper bonds with their children, passing on lessons of resilience and hope.
  • Encourage a friend or family member to seek help, seeing firsthand the power of transformation.
  • Foster safer, more supportive communities as those who heal become beacons of understanding and empathy.

In essence, this guide was written because we believe in the power of ripple effects. We believe that by equipping both professionals and individuals with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to address attachment trauma, we’re not just making a difference to one life but potentially to countless others.

Our mission is to create a world where trauma doesn’t have the final say, but healing does. Where every step towards understanding and recovery lights the way for others. We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey.

Every step towards healing trauma creates ripples of positive change, not just for the individual, but for the world around them.

Get a Bonus Interview with Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Delve into the mind of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a transformative figure in the realm of trauma research and treatment. Through decades of dedicated work, he has reshaped our understanding of trauma, attachment, and healing. This interview offers a rare glimpse into his profound insights, from the intricacies of trauma's definition to the innovative methods he employs for healing. It's more than just an addition to the guide—it's a bridge to the wisdom of a trailblazer who has deeply impacted how we approach trauma in contemporary therapy.

For those navigating the world of trauma, either as professionals or individuals seeking understanding, Dr. van der Kolk's perspectives are an invitation to see trauma and healing through the eyes of someone who has dedicated his life to understanding its depths. Engaging with his thoughts can be a pivotal moment in one's journey, offering clarity, direction, and the reassurance of learning from a true master in the field.

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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Dive into this guide with complete confidence. We back every purchase with a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you feel this guide doesn’t meet your expectations, simply reach out within 30 days of your purchase, and we’ll promptly refund your investment. Your journey to understanding and healing is supported every step of the way.





At the heart of our work lies a deeply rooted belief: everyone deserves the opportunity to heal and rebuild after experiencing attachment trauma. Unresolved trauma can shape our lives, influencing our relationships, choices, and even how we view the world. But through healing, the narrative can change, paving the way for a brighter and more harmonious future.

While not all of us have directly experienced the effects of trauma, we are united by a deep empathy for those who have. We've listened to stories, witnessed the struggles, and have been moved by the resilience of countless souls. These narratives, while diverse, share a common thread of hope and resilience. And it's this very thread that fuels our dedication to making a difference.

We recognize and honor the bravery of those embarking on personal trauma journeys, as well as the mental health professionals guiding them. Your strength, perseverance, and unwavering pursuit of healing inspire us daily. This drives our commitment to provide the best resources, ensuring that you're not navigating the complex path to recovery alone.

Looking to the future, we hold steadfast to our vision of a world where understanding, compassion, and holistic healing take center stage. Together, let's nurture a future where the shadows of trauma give way to the radiant glow of resilience and renewal.

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© 2023 Treating Attachment Trauma. All Rights Reserved



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